SCGC Scholarship Program
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SCGC is proud to provide this great opportunity to recognize and honor performers for both their spinning and playing ability, as well as academic achievement.
Previous years have shown that the Southeastern Color Guard Circuit has many well-rounded young men and women who participate in the activity and continue to do so for many years. Please help us ensure that every qualified student is provided the opportunity to apply for assistance as they strive to reach their future goals by sharing this information with your members.
The following scholarships will be awarded for the 2022 season.
- One (1) scholarship of $1000 will be awarded to the top-scoring applicant, regardless of affiliation.
- One (1) scholarship of $500 will be awarded to the 2nd highest scoring applicant, regardless of affiliation.
- One (1) scholarship of $250 will be awarded to the 3rd highest scoring applicant, regardless of affiliation.
- Additional scholarships may be awarded as deemed by the committee and Board of Directors.
Five (5) individuals in no way affiliated with any SCGC member unit will review submitted applications. These individuals will have a background in music education, color guard, winds, and/or percussion. The five individuals assisting us in this process will not be revealed and the decisions they make are final.