• SCGC fall meeting is scheduled for Sept 29 at Mt Juliet HS
  • Expect an email during the week of Sep 9 with details
  • Happy Labor Day Weekend

Bob Jones HS, Madison AL

Bob Jones HS, Madison AL

- 2 award ceremonies. 1 for the P/W and 1 for the CG. Check schedule for times
- the contest packet will be uploaded as soon as it becomes available

Additional Information for Bob Jones HS, Madison AL

2nd contact: Leigh Thomas

Contest Address

Bob Jones HS gym
650 Hughes Rd
Madison, AL 35758

Admission Cost
$10 , no charge for children under 5.

Start Time

Perc/ winds 10:00 am, Guard 2:30 pm

Contest Manager

Kevin Smart - ksmart@madisoncity.k12.al.us

  Directors can find more information in the secured area.

SCGC Members in Action